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Dan River, Inc.
Our Buy American Mention of the Week!
by Roger Simmermaker
December 21, 2001

This week's mention goes to Dan River, Inc. Dan River is a sheet and fabric maker headquartered in Danville, TN. On December 13, the company announced they were closing two plants in the U.S. and transferring operations to other locations. Where are they transferring the jobs to? Right here in America!

It's certainly no secret that American companies producing here and employing their own people are under intense pressure to cut costs. Not only higher labor costs, but more costly government-mandated regulations are responsible for pushing many American jobs offshore.

The plant closures will cost 400 jobs initially, but 200 other workers will be hired due to the reshuffling. While we do not applaud the net loss of 200 jobs, we tend understand the situation we find ourselves in due to our trade policies. Normally when you hear of plant closings in America, you also hear the work is being relocated to China or some other low-wage country....

But Dan River is relocating their operations from Greenville, S.C. to a more efficient factory in Danville, Va. Work from another plant in Newman, GA will be moved to Sevierville, TN, where that plant will continue to make children's sheets featuring Batman, Barbie, and other children's favorites. The moves will save the company over $6 million a year.

So if there is a child on your Christmas list that likes Barbie or Batman, you'll know to look for Dan River sheets with that good old made in USA label on them. And who knows? Armed with this knowledge, if enough of us shun the Chinese imports for the American made variety, we can get those 200 jobs and more back online! Patriotism really is in the proof of purchase.


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