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How to bolster pro-Buy American legislation
Our Buy American Mention of the Week!
by Roger Simmermaker
November 23, 2013

Many Americans have been quick to realize that in today's economy, the best way to bolster prosperity is by buying American products wherever and whenever possible, but have you wondered if our elected officials in Washington has come to the same obvious realization?

To help make sure Washington gets the message about the powerful and positive impact that Buying American has on our economy, a non-profit, appropriately named the Buy American Project, has been founded to encourage our legislators to support common-sense, pro-Buy American legislation.

The Buy American Project does not make, give, or offer donations to political parties, candidates, or legislators. But that hasn't stopped this non-profit from being effective.

We (I say "we" because I am the founder) have already been instrumental in expanding the ranks of the Congressional Buy American Caucus by signing up U.S. House and Senate members. If you've never heard of the Congressional Buy American caucus before, you're not alone. We've found that many members of Congress have never heard of it either (there are literally hundreds of caucuses out there that legislators can join).

And, once we identify a congressman or congresswoman who has a history of supporting pro-Buy American legislation (and there are more than you might expect), we make it a point to meet with them face-to-face, tell them about the Buy American Project, the Congressional Buy American Caucus, and convince them to join that caucus to make more of a difference.

What are the potential positives of a stronger Congressional Buy American Caucus? When pro-Buy American legislation is proposed, it can be much easier to pass it through Congress if everyone knows there are a number of legislators united and already on board to support it as evident by their membership in the Congressional Buy American Caucus.

What else? When bad legislation is proposed that threatens to take U.S. jobs overseas, a strong congressional membership in the Congressional Buy American Caucus can stand ready to make a stand against it and defeat it. The more legislators that join the Congressional Buy American Caucus, the more potential "no" votes there will be to counter anti-Buy American legislation.

It's easy to join the Buy American Project non-profit, and in doing so, you'll get American-made "rewards" in return with your one-year membership.

You can also join at a smaller amount at the $25.00 level if you don't wish to receive any rewards in return for joining. But what better way is there than by joining the Buy American Project to support a great cause and get authentic American-made merchandise in return?

We've found that it is easier than you might think to get members of Congress to join the Congressional Buy American Caucus. If their constituents (often as few as 15 people who reside in a particular congressional district) contact their legislators and urge them to join the Congressional Buy American Caucus, they often feel compelled to join the caucus. The Buy American Project stands ready to work with you in getting those you already know and associate with to reach out to your congressman or congresswoman.

By joining the Buy American Project non-profit, you can become an important part in bolstering the Congressional Buy American Caucus, and help make it an influential force in getting pro-Buy American legislation through congress and signed into law. Right now the caucus is made up of a small group of republicans and democrats who support the Buy American cause. We want to make that group even bigger and therefore more influential on proposed legislation that affect Buy American in any way.

We need your help and support at the Buy American Project to support more pro-Buy American legislation and counter ant-Buy American legislation. Meeting face-to-face with legislators to make a strong impression takes funding, and if you're a Buy American supporter, we're counting on you to help us make an even bigger difference.

Joining the Congressional Buy American Caucus should be a no-brainer for most legislators. Which member of congress would pass up a chance to give a speech, hold a press conference, or put out a press release saying that they have brought American jobs home to or created American jobs in their districts through Buy American legislation. Keeping and creating jobs in America is still job one in the minds of the American people, and congress knows it!

We call it the Buy American Project because we've got work to do, but we need your help to get it done! The Buy American Project is the only non-profit focused like a laser on nothing else but pro-Buy American legislation, and making sure your representatives know to focus on it as well.

But we need help from "We the People" to get it done. So join the Buy American Project for as little as $25.00 a year, and help us bolster more Buy American legislation for a better, more-prosperous America today and in the future!


How Americans Can Buy American
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Email the Author: Roger Simmermaker

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