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New BUY AMERICAN! Bumper Sticker Available
Our Buy American Mention of the Week!
by Roger Simmermaker
May 1, 2005

If you have an 11" x 3" open space on the back of your vehicle, you ought to use it to urge others to Buy American by slapping our new BUY AMERICAN! bumper sticker on it!

The previous and larger 14.5" x 3.75" bumper sticker is also still available, but since this bumper sticker is so big, a smaller bumper sticker might be more suitable for some.

The new bumper sticker has a single simple message (or you might argue it is a command or very strong suggestion): BUY AMERICAN! with the website across the bottom.

The older and bigger bumper sticker has the book title "How Americans Can Buy American" on it with the website address and toll-free phone number (1-888-US OWNED).

I am happy to add this new bumper sticker to the USA Shop, but unfortunately one item is coming out of the online store too. The booklet "Free Trade and The Constitution" by Gus Stelzer is now out of print and I am almost out of stock.

These new BUY AMERICAN! bumper stickers are only $2 each (shipping is already included in the price).

Many of you have emailed me asking that I consider certain bumper stickers, but there were so many different requests and not enough of one in particular to warrant printing a large number of them. Those of you who have not emailed a request (and even those who have) please email me at with your suggestion. I will total all the different kinds requested from everyone on the email list to see if there is a particularly popular bumper sticker in large enough numbers.


How Americans Can Buy American
Post Office Box 780839, Orlando, Florida 32878-0839
Tel: 1-888-US OWNED (1-888-876-9633)
Emergency Backup: 407-234-4626
Email the Author: Roger Simmermaker

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